Your Health Comes First, learn more about how we can care for you

Health Plan Individual Case Management 
The health plan individual case management program enables us to assist you to obtain medically appropriate care in a more economical, cost-effective and coordinated manner during prolonged periods of intensive medical care. 
It is not your right to receive individual case management, nor do we have an obligation to provide it; we provide these services at our sole and absolute discretion. 
How Health Plan Individual Case Management Works 
Our health plan individual case management program (Case Management) helps coordinate services for members with health care needs due to serious, complex, and/or chronic health conditions. Our programs coordinate benefits and educate members who agree to take part in the Case Management program to help meet their health-related needs. 

Our Case Management programs are confidential and voluntary, and are made available at no extra cost to you. These programs are provided by, or on behalf of and at the request of, your health plan case management staff. These Case Management programs are separate from any covered services you are receiving. If you meet program criteria and agree to take part, we will help you meet your identified health care needs. This is reached through contact and team work with you and /or your chosen authorized representative, treating doctors, and other providers. In addition, we may assist in coordinating care with existing community-based programs and services to meet your needs. This may include giving you information about external agencies and community-based programs and services.

 If you feel you may be a candidate, please contact our Medical Director’s office at 800-424-4652 for additional information.